Thursday, July 23, 2015

I aint' gonna lie

but life has just gotten in the way of posting. It isn't that I don't want to share all the joys and chaos life in the De Blasi house brings, but, in reality - I just forget.

So, an update (of 5 months.....). We are settled into our house. We really like it, the kids like it, the dogs like it, it's all good. School for me ended (yea!), I had sinus surgery (boo....this is what happens when you live in an area with the highest pollen counts in the country), we signed Miles up for kindergarten (what the what?), we had both sets of families visit (although, my parents came to help out during my recovery - not so fun for them). The kids continue to take swimming lessons and LOVE it, it honestly is the only activity they don't say they don't want to do (hello soccer and gymnastics I am talking to you). They are so close to getting it - but Miles tends to let his legs sink when he kicks and Ella just kicks so slow she never goes anywhere.

We haven't traveled much lately. We did go up to the Alderbrook Resort for a weekend to celebrate father's day. It was something out of the movies. I highly, highly recommend it. I took my first trip (by myself) to support some family friends during a tough time. But, I got to go to Santa Cruz (love it there) and got to fly by myself (did I mention that I did this by myself?), oh the good old days of walking into the airport, up to the gate with just a carry on, and then getting to listen to MY music or watch MY movie. It was a little bit of heaven, not gonna lie.

We have a few more little trips planned for the remainder of the summer (hey Medford we are coming your way next!). Soon it will be September and back to the routine of work and dinner (for some reason making dinner is one of those adult things I hate the most). Miles will be in school and that will be an amazing experience for him (he is so excited, he is convinced that he is really big stuff and likes to remind Ella of this). I am really happy for him and excited, I don't have any anxiety now, but ask me in a month and it will be a whole different answer.

I'd like to say I will stay up to date on our adventures (because honestly, every day with an almost 4 year old and a 5 year old is an adventure), but you have seen my track record........until next time!!
looking for crabs in the Hood Canal
Kayaking in the Sound

Ms. Molly

Working on our garden
selling ice cream in the back yard
Sunset at Alderbrook

Santa Cruz
exploring the Redwoods

he said this was his happy face

drinks at the fire pit
Goodbye Portland

collecting flowers at Grammy's

boating at Detroit Lake for father's day

Zoo Train
Collecting shells

My mom helped me design our back yard gardens

making progress on his swimming
I have nothing to say to this.

"let's go down to the water, just to look" they said

soccer practice (see everyone playing in the background?)
Our first bounty. 
Grandma and Grandpapa came to visit from New Jersey

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