Saturday, May 17, 2014

okay, so I am not so good at this blogging thing.......(I am doing several posts, so keep going)

almost (okay, it really has been) 6 months have gone by and no updates. my bad, my excuse? life has happened. so what has been going on in these non-updated months you ask? tons.....
December came and went, we had a great Christmas with grammy and poppy. went to zoo lights at the oregon zoo, did the holiday train in oaks park and had a bit of snow here. in January, more cold days (we actually had no school a few days - which for the record we are paying for in june, 2 extra days). February i can't remember because we were looking forward to spring break at that point (more on that later). spring break - awesome and epic and everything we needed at that point. oh yeah, and a little boy turned 4. what the what???? we had a pretty great super bounce super hero birthday party, so he was super excited (like all those supers, that kind of is our theme around here). I continued to do roller derby and was getting pretty good (my name: Saucy De Bossy) until a concussion, a major shoulder injury and possible 2nd concussion and doctor's orders, no more derby. I am slowly coming to terms with that. april was just one long month of rain (good for us, but dreary) and then may brought really sunny days and as a middle school teacher - hormones. wooh, that is bad, you can easily forget how bad it gets. and for the record, why did the health teacher decided to teach sex ed when it was so hot out?

so now I am here, trying to be thoughtful about blogging more often. i want to, i would like to keep everyone up to date on our adventures. so with my summer vacation approaching, this is my summer goal - update often and keep connected with family and friends (i have tried the Facebook route, but honestly not my jam).

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